Laravel, PHP split all possible date ranges from a set of dates by consecutive date order

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One of my follower send me this question in email, seeking my help to split a date array in to possible date ranges in PHP Laravel framework, and he want to get ranges based on consecutive day orders.

He has an array which contains a set of dates as in the example bellow.

 $days =array (
    /* MISSING 2018-10-24 */
    /* MISSING 2018-11-03 */

 before jump to write our solution, let looks at how our expected output should be for above set of dates,

$date_ranges = Array ( 
       [0] => Array ( [0] => 2018-10-15 [1] => 2018-10-23 ) 
       [1] => Array ( [0] => 2018-10-25 [1] => 2018-11-02 ) 
       [2] => Array ( [0] => 2018-11-04 [1] => 2018-12-10 ) 

Looking at the expected final out put,
we have 3 possible ranges from the set of dates ,  because "2018-10-24", "2018-11-03" are missing in the dates array, which breaks the consecutive order.

Here is the PHP function which I wrote as a helper function which expect date array argument and can bring the output as in the example above,

function getDateRangeSplitted($dates)
    $startDate  = $dates[0];
    $finishDate = array_pop($dates);
    // walk through the dates, breaking at gaps
    foreach ($dates as $key => $date)
        if (($key > 0) && (strtotime($date)-strtotime($dates[$key-1]) > 99999)) {
            $result[] = array($startDate,$dates[$key-1]);
            $startDate = $date;
    // force the end
    $result[] = array($startDate,$finishDate);
    return $result;

Written by Akram Wahid 6 years ago

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